Let α be a real number, x≥A≥2, e(θ) = e^(2xiθ), and suppose Λ(n) is Mangoldt's func-tion. In this paper the following result is mainly proved: Let ε be an arbitrarily small po-sitive number, and x^(91/(96+ε))≤A≤x. Then for any given positive c, there exists a positive c_1such that for A^(-1)log^cx ≤|α| ≤(logx)^(-c_1) there exitss sum from x-A<n≤x (Λ(n)e(nα)? A(logx)^(-c).
Let α be a real number,x≥A≥2, e(θ) = e<sup>2πiθ</sup>, Λ(n) be Mangoldt’s function, and S(α; x, A) = sum from x-A<n≤x (Λ(n)e(nα).In this paper, the two following results are proved by a purely analytic method. (i) Let ε bean arbitrarily small positive number and x<sup>91/96+ε</sup>≤A≤x. Then for any given positive c,there exist positive c<sub>1</sub> and c<sub>2</sub> such that S(α/q +λ; x,A)?A(logx)<sup>-c</sup>, provided that (α,q) = 1,1≤q≤log<sup>c<sub>1</sub></sup>x, and A<sup>-1</sup>log<sup>c<sub>2</sub></sup>x<| λ |≤(qlog<sup>c<sub>1</sub></sup>x)<sup>-1</sup>; (ii) Let N be a sufficiently large odd integer, andU = N<sup>91/96+ε</sup>. Then the Diophantine equation with prime variables N = p<sub>1</sub> + p<sub>2</sub> + p<sub>3</sub> is solv-able for N/3 - U<p<sub>j</sub>≤N/3 + U, j= 1, 2, 3, and there is an asymptotic formula for thenumber of its solutions.
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.