The local analytical methods for digital simulation of the dynamical control system arepresented to overcome the difficulties due to the stiffness, the oscillation with high fre-quency and the discontinuity. The idea of computation of the analogue computer is intro-duced into the computation of digital simulation, the system is decomposed into somesubsystems, each of which can run independently, and, with the input informations ap-proached to, the local analytical expressions for the solutions of these subsystems are cons-tructed. Finally, a simple analysis about the accuracy estimate and the stability of the algo-rithms are given. The computational results show that the CPU time expended on thedigital simulation of a flying control system is only 1/20 of that needed by the traditionalnumerical methods.
The local analytical methods for digital simulation of the dynamical control system arepresented to overcome the difficulties due to the stiffness, the oscillation with high fre-quency and the discontinuity. The idea of computation of the analogue computer is intro-duced into the computation of digital simulation, the system is decomposed into somesubsystems, each of which can run independently, and, with the input informations ap-proached to, the local analytical expressions for the solutions of these subsystems are cons-tructed. Finally, a simple analysis about the accuracy estimate and the stability of the algo-rithms are given. The computational results show that the CPU time expended on thedigital simulation of a flying control system is only 1/20 of that needed by the traditionalnumerical methods.