Following a freeze-thaw cycle, and the treatment of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides withthe nonionic detergent Lubrol PX, the permeabilized cell suspensions can be assayed directlyboth for the intracellular levels of glutamine synthetase and the state of adenylylation(i.e. the average number n of adenylylated subunits/dodecameric molecules). It seems that all components of the bicycle system are retained if cells grown with lowconcentrations of a?monia as the sole nitrogen source are used. The value of n was depend-ent upon the concentration of substrates (ATP, Pi) and allosteric effectors (ATP, gluta-mine and α-ketoglutarate) of adenylyltransferase. The value of n affected by UTP, thespecific substrate of the uridylyltransferase shows first the evidence that the bicycle cascadecontrol system studied in Escherichia coli may exist in this phototrophic bacterium.
Following a freeze-thaw cycle, and the treatment of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides withthe nonionic detergent Lubrol PX, the permeabilized cell suspensions can be assayed directlyboth for the intracellular levels of glutamine synthetase and the state of adenylylation(i.e. the average number n of adenylylated subunits/dodecameric molecules). It seems that all components of the bicycle system are retained if cells grown with lowconcentrations of a?monia as the sole nitrogen source are used. The value of n was depend-ent upon the concentration of substrates (ATP, Pi) and allosteric effectors (ATP, gluta-mine and α-ketoglutarate) of adenylyltransferase. The value of n affected by UTP, thespecific substrate of the uridylyltransferase shows first the evidence that the bicycle cascadecontrol system studied in Escherichia coli may exist in this phototrophic bacterium.