四棱三根瘤、根、茎+叶柄、叶片的尿囊素(Allantoin)和尿囊酸(Allantoic A-cid)含量均发生日变化。根部尿囊酸含量与根瘤、根、茎+叶柄、叶片的酰脲、尿囊素、尿囊酸含量均呈负相关。根瘤的尿囊酸与其尿囊素/酰脲比率呈负相关;根部的尿囊酸与根部及根瘤的尿囊素/酰脲比率也呈负相关。这种现象暗示着:尿囊酸对尿囊素的合成有反馈抑制作用。在根瘤和根部,硝酸盐含量也与尿囊素、尿囊酸含量呈负相关。
Diurnal variation of allantoia ( ALL ) and allantoic acid ( ALA ) concentration occurs in nodules, roots, stems petioles and leaves of winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus DC. ).The relationship between ALL, ALA concentration in each organs of winged bean plant was investigated. The corre-lativity between ureides concentration and ALL, A LA concentration in each organs was observed.The correlation between ALL/ureide and ureides,ALL, ALA and ALL/ureide in each organs was also detected, ALA concentration in rootshas a negative correlation to the ureides, ALL and ALA concectra-tion in each organs.ALA concentration correlates negatively to the ALL/ureide in nodules. ALA concentration in roots correlates negatively to the A-LL/ureide in roots and nodules, too. Our data suggests that ALA may have a feedback inhibition to ALL synthesis.
Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences