本文对 HAV-FH 株病毒在 FRhk-4细胞繁殖的特性进行了观察,该株 HAV 感染 FRhk-4细胞后26至28天达繁殖高峰,病毒不自发释放于细胞外;不同日龄细胞接种同代同量病毒,其繁殖高峰随日龄不同而有所不同;同龄细胞接种不同量病毒则无明显差别。用免疫酶玻片法、免疫荧光染色法观察病毒增殖情况,在种毒后24小时胞浆内就有 HAV 存在,随培养时间延长查出感染病毒的细胞数增多,堆积在核周围表面的特异性着色的病毒颗粒增加。脱落细胞裂解后的提取液中也有相当数量的病毒。接种 HAV 后的 FRhk-4细胞提取液,通过中速、高速离心所获病毒液,用磷钨酸负染在电子显微镜下观察见有大量规则的 HAV 颗粒,其直径为27μmm。文中附有病毒繁殖动态、不同日龄 FRhk-4细胞对病毒繁殖的影响、免疫荧光染色及电镜照片。
Some ctlturing conditions for hepatitis A virus were studied.Different days o1d FRhk-4 cell cuItures(a fetal rhesus monkey kidhey cell line)with different volumes of HAV were inoculated and observed.It Was found that hepatitis A virus didn’t shoW cytopathogenic effect of the cells and no viruses were detected in the supernatant by ELISA.The typical HAV Particles were found to be in the extract of the infected cell culture by immune electron microscopy.The typical perinuclear fine granular fluorescence of the cell infected with HAV Was seen by using immunofluores- cence staining.
Chinese Journal of Biologicals