在含白糖、石膏各1%,分别以桑枝粒,桑枝屑和蚕沙为基础,加与不加麦麸,或以蚕沙代替麦麸的不同8种菌种培养基上培养,除加入0.5%尿素的明显表现不良影响外,其余均能正常生长,尤以在蚕沙培养基中生长最快。表明蚕沙可以代替麦麸使用。桑枝屑袋栽毛木耳,一潮耳片的生物学效率为47.8%~60.8%。凤尾菇在含10%麦麸桑枝培养基上的生物学效率是64.2%,在100%桑枝屑是58.8%,在含桑枝屑30%、桑枝粒 70%是58.2%,在含稻草 60%与40%的桑枝屑生料袋栽时生物学效率分别是43.3%与31.7%,表明加入稻草混合反而效果不好。
Auricularia polgtricha and Pleurotus sajor-caju etc. were cultivated on the nutrient substrate containing sugar, calcium sulfate, each with 1%, and the column or dust of mulberry branch as major component. On this base, the wheat bran was added or not, otherwise, the wheat bran is was replaced by silkworm faeces. The edible fungi are growth satisfactory on the media with 8 formulae which with the substrates mentioned above, except the formula with 0.5% urea had adverse effect on the growth of edible fungi. Particularly, the mycelium grew fast on the media with silkworm faeces and the column of mulberry branch, this indicated that,the two substrates were good for spawn running, and the silkworm faeces could replace the wheat bran. Auricularia polytricha was cultivated on dust of mulberry branch filling in plastic bags, the results show that, the biological efficiency of the ear blade produced in the first flush achieved 47.8% to 60.8%. Pleurotus sajor-caju grown in the plastic bags with the mulberry branch and 10% of wheat bran, its biological efficiency is 64.2%, and 38.8% when the substrate is of 100% dust of mulberry branch; as the substrate is of 30% dust and 70% columns of raw mulberry branch, the biological efficiency is 58.2%. While the mushroom is cultivated in raw materials of 60% rice straw with 40% dust of mulberry branch, the biological efficiency is 43.3% and 31.7%. Otherwise, when mixing with rice straw, little effect was produced.
Genomics and Applied Biology
edible fungi
mulberry branch