本试验测定不同抗黑痘病葡萄种与品种间健康叶片 Px 酶谱变化,未发现以往有人在农作物上报道过的 Px 酶带有规律的增或减的变化。但试验发现除个别种类外,普遍测得感病叶较健叶 Px 同工酶带色泽加深或酶带增多。分析 Px 同工酶对感病有敏感反应的8个不同抗病性葡萄品种健病叶 Px 同工酶谱变化,发现叶片感病后与抗病性有关的变化酶带有 P_(XA)、P_(XB)、P_(XD)带。本文对3种不同抗病性类型(轻感病型、中感病型、高感病型) Px 同工酶的这些酶带变化规律作了初步分析与讨论。
During the experiment We did not find the regular increase and decrease ofthe isozymic bands in measuring the Px zymogram changes in healthy leaves ofinterspecific and intervarietal vitis resistant against sphaceloma ampelinum deBabry,Which had been reported in crop magazines before.Compared with hea-lthy leaves,the colour of Px isozymic bands is deepended and the number ofPx isozymic bands is increased in sick leaves.Analysing the Px zymongramchanges,which are sensitive to diseases,in healthy or sick leaves on eightdifferent disease resistant vitis varieties,We discovered that the enzymatic ba-nds of Px_A,Px_B,Px_C are concerned with disease resistance after the leaves areinfected.The preliminary analysis and discussion are made on the regularity ofPx zymogram changes of three different resistant types-light infection,interm-ediate infection and high infection.
Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis