我们用在体灌流模型定量测定了输卵管峡部的阻力。对照组(动情间期)峡部阻力高,hCG(人绒毛膜促性腺激素)诱发排卵兔明显降低,孕兔又升高.30ug 的 ACh(乙酰胆碱)和 NE(去甲肾上腺素)经腔内给药,增加峡部阻力,以hCG 后36h 组为最强,而孕10天免几无作用。酚妥拉明既阻断 NE,又阻断 ACh 作用。本研究结果提示,胆碱能神经可能通过调制 NE 的释放而参与了输卵管活功的调节。
The resistance of the isthmic segment of the rabbit oviduct was measured quanti- t tively using a perfusion model in vivo.In untreated control animals there was a high resistance,in rabbits induced ovulation by hcG(human chorionic gonadotropin) obviously lower,in pregnant animals higher again.The resistance was increased when acetylcholine(Ach 30μg)and noradrenaline(NE 30μg)adiministered intraluminally. This effect was the strongest in animals at 86 h after hCG,but little or nothing in pregnant.Either effect of NE or ACh was blocked by phentolamine.The results of this study suggest that cholinergie nerves may be involved in the regulation of the motility of oviduct by mediating the release of noradrenaline.
Journal of Xinxiang Medical University