为了解当前生物物理学发展的趋势、主要方向和重点课题,作者分析了近年来国际上一些重要会议的内容,其中主要的是国际生物物理学会(IUPAB)第8届(在英国的布里斯托尔1984)和第9届(在以色列的耶路撒冷1987)会议,美国从1983年第27届到1987年第31届年会的大会报告和讨论会的内容,同时也参考了日本近年来的年会以及TIBS 1984年到1987年《生物物理专刊》上的文章,做为参考。
To understand the development trends and major development direction of current biophysics and its important topics, the author analyses the contents of major international conferences in recent years which include mainly the reports and discussions of the 8th IUPAB (held in Bristol, Britain, in 1984), the 9th IUPAB (held in Jerusalem, Israel, in 1987), and the U.S. 27th—31st annual conferences (1983—1987).The author also makes reference to the japanese annual conferences in recent years and articles in the 1984—1987 Biophysics Monograph of TIBS.
Bulletin of National Natural Science Foundation of China