本文提出一种中心词驱动的书面汉语分析方法。把汉语句子看成中心词和它的附属成分组成的递归结构。利用中心词和附属成分之间的语义联系与约束关系,对句子进行语义—句法分析,找出其里层结构,从而得到句子意义的机内表达。 基于上述方法,作者在Micro VAX Ⅱ计算机上建立了汉语分析实验系统 CLAS。该系统包括一个含有近万条词汇的语义词典,一个知识库和词切分器及语义—句法分析器。实现了句子的词切分和语义—句法分析。对十余种典型例句的处理,表明本文提出的方法对汉语的分析是有效的。
This Paper discusses a conputer parsing method for Chinese called centre word driven method. The auther considers Chinese sentences as recursive structure including a centre word with its attached parts consisting of some other wonds. This method parses a sentence in light of the meaning of the centre word ane the semantic relations between the centre word and its attached parts in order to find out the deep case structure,Based on the above method a preliminary parsing system for written Chinese is implemented, which includes a semantic dictionay, a knowledge base, a word segregator and a semantics syntax-based pasero This System is valueable both in theory and application, such as machine translation, indexing, postprocessing of OCR and so on.
Journal of Chinese Information Processing