50 cases of psoriasis were trace after PUVA therapy 5-8 years latter. The values of different criteria of immunofunction were compared with that of pre and posttreatment. In cell mediated immunitas ERFC,LTT values increased predominantly, while that of IgG, IgM and IgA had no change. The values of ERFC,LTT, IgG, IgA and IgM inboth traced and control groups hadn't any difference. The level of IgM im traced group was significantly lower -ed than that of the control group, but restored to that of the patients before treatment. According to above observation, the cell mediated immunity lowered by PUVA theraps and original disturbed immunofunction could restore to normal rangey 5-8 years latter after PUVA therapy. During the course of examination in the traced patients, there were no skin cancer, aging skin and cataract observed.
The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology