荷兰Hydraudyne公司(Mannesmann-Rexroth集团的附属公司)经过多年研究,研制出一种使用于液压缸活塞杆的新型保护层。这种新型保护层不用铬或镍铬,而用陶瓷材料制成。 Hydraudyne公司的专家预计,人们熟悉的闪亮镀铬活塞杆将被淘汰,而深色的新型CERAMAX液压缸将成为未来的液压缸标准。码头、桥梁、近海设备和船舶大量使用液压设备。这些设备所处的侵蚀性环境引致活塞杆腐蚀和磨损,大大缩短了液压缸的寿命。为找出彻底解决这个问题的办法,Hydraudyne公司的专家近七年来在极保密情况下进行了大量的研究工作。
This paper introduces that Hydraudyne in Boxtel, the Netherlands, following many years of research, has developed a new and hitherto unknown corrosion resistant covering for the piston rods of hydraulic cylinder in place of a chromium or nickel-chromium protection layer That is the CERAMAX coating, a ceramic layer With the new CERAMAX coating, the notorious problem of corrosion and wear is a thing of the past
China offshore Platform