胜利油田位于渤海之滨的黄河三角洲。从七十年代起,就在这里海边发现了石油。多年以来,为勘探开发海滩石油资源修筑了100多公里的海堤和大量的海滩公路。 1975年胜利油田在天津大学、华东石油学院等单位的帮助下开始讨论浅海钻井平台的建造方案,准备下海。1976年在石油部和山东省的支持下,胜利油田钻采研究院和天津大学水利系合作,开始设计我国第一座坐底式钻井平台“胜利一号”,1978年底在烟台造船厂建成。该平台作业水深为1.8~5m、可钻井深为3,200m。“胜利一号”在海上工作9年、钻成17口探井后,于1988年改为试油平台继续在极浅海区作业。 1982年为解决海滩潮汐带钻井的难题,胜利油田提出了“步行坐底式钻井平台”的设想方案,同年9月胜利油田钻井研究院与上海交通大学海洋工程跨系委员会开始了联合设计,
This paper gives a general introduction to the exploitation of oil fields in extra-shallow waters and the researches on drilling platforms. In order to cope with the difficulties encountered in drilling operation in intertidal zone, the Shengli Oil Field Drilling Technology Research Institute, in collaboration with some other organizations, had proposed a successful design for walking-type submersible drilling rigs. Now, thanks to the activities taken by the Institute, the Shengli Oil Field has extended its scope to the extra-shallow waters and the initial results obtained are inspiring. Of late, the Institute set forth its conceptions on the further development of the extra-shallow waters.
China offshore Platform