52,000dwt海上浮式生产储油船是海洋石油工程船舶,YOKE/SUPPORT是此船海上单点系泊装置的钢结构部分。YOKE的尺度为29×34.6×4.5m,重193t,材料为ASTM A537。SUPPORT的尺度为24×18.6×16m,重130t,材料为ASTM A333G6。其技术设计图纸由法国SBM公司(Single Buoy Mooring Inc。)提供。整个工程的承建和安装要求符合海洋工程及法国SBM公司有关钢结构制造的要求,此要求高于目前建造出口船和压力容器制造的标准。且电焊的节点型式/剖口/施焊方法要符合美国焊接协会“钢结构焊接法则”(AWS D1.1-86)的要求。在整个YOKE/SUPPORT制造过程中,从材料进厂入库、焊条保存、加工、装配、电焊、无损探伤、油漆分阶段进行跟踪,
The fabrication of yoke/support assembly for 52,000dwt storage tanker was carried out in several stages, e.g. materials selection, welding and non-destructive testing, painting. Traceability system was employed for all stages. In addition, for normal operation, due considerations were given to the weather conditions, work sites, preheating of tubular nodes before welding, removal of welding slags and temporary attachments, repair of welds, storage of welding consumables, etc. Because of the adoption of the traceability system and other appropriate measures, the yoke/support assembly met the quality requirements specified.
China offshore Platform