北海船厂为胜利油田建造的极浅海步行式海洋石油钻井平台——胜利二号于1988年9月19日隆重举行了步行下水仪式。胜利二号钻井平台是为适应我国黄河口附近渤海湾沿岸的滩涂和极浅海区域(水深0~-7 m)的石油钻探开发工作而专门设计的,它工作的区域是各类陆上钻井设备和普通的海上钻井平台所无法进入的。它的研制成功将给我国沿海滩涂的石油开发事业,特别是渤海湾沿岸8 700余平方公里的浅海和海滩的石油资源的开发带来深远的影响。 1984年8月北海船厂与胜利油田签订了胜利二号建造合同。一种具有特殊功能的两栖式钻井平台开始在北海船厂试制,这在我国是第一次,没有成功的经验可以借鉴。
The construction of a walking drilling platform with special functions is the first in this country. It is, therefore, difficult and risky and experience is not available. In order to meet the requirements for offshore oil exploration, to enhance the building technology and management levels, Beihai Shipyard, the builder of the platform, organized an ad hoc executive team to carry out project management for 'Sheng Li 2' drilling platform. Under the team were such subdivisions as key technology group, quality assurance and quality control group, budget control group, handling and transportation group, planning and statistics group, materials management group, safety and security group, etc. Because of the well-organized management, the platform was completed two months ahead of time within the budget and with good quality, and additionally, documentation and experience were accumulated.
China offshore Platform