This paper syslcmicly analyses the grain prorcin content and amino acid composition in different types of cultivated rice varieties, including early Hsicn (indica), late Hsien, Hsientype-hybrid rice, late jing (japonica) type rice and special rice. The results as follows.
1. The protein content in diffcrcn rice varieties is comparatively very uneven.
2. Rice protein lacks of lysine, thrconinc, tryptophan and sulfur-amino acids, and of which lysine is the first limiting amino acid.
3. The sequence of arrangements for all amino acid levels among different varieties arc approximately similar. All has more glutamic acid amd leucinc, and less tryptophan.
4.With rice protein content up and down, all amino acid levels showed, corresponding increases or decrease , however, several limiting amino acids showed less variations. In our current study, all the high protein varieties contained comparatively less limiting amino acids.
This paper suggcstcs that it is a problem worthy of emphasis how to improve rice protein qulily on the basis of maintaining high protein content through breeding ways. And also the breeding ways should be adopted to improve the relative contents of several limiting amino acids.
Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi
Rice, Protein, Limiting amino acid, Nutritional quality breedin