The paper is to report new materials of fossil plants collected from the NieerkuFormation at Nanzamu district Of Xinbin County, Liaoning Province.The plant-bearing Nieerku Formation is composed chiefly bf terrestrial coarse gravel sandstone,sandstone siltstone and shale intercalated with coal seams.The thickness of thisformation is 1403 metres.This florule consists of over 16 species belonging to 15 genera, including 3 newspecies. They belong to Equisetales (6.8%), Filices (25%), Caytoniales (6.8%),Cycadophytes (6.8%), Ginkgophytes (17.5%), Coniferales (31%) and Desmiophyllumsp. (6.8%) repectively. The presence of Equisetum burchardti,Coniopteris fittoni,Ruffordia goepperti, Cladophlebis browniana, C. dunketi, Sagenopteris mantelli, of.Androstrcbus nathorsti, Sphenopteris of.cretosa etc.in this florule indicates EarlyCretaceous age.In the botanical characters, the florule seems to be close to themiddle assemblage of the Ruffordia-Onychiopsis Flora.It bears a close resemblance ingereral aspect to some Early Cretaceous floras, such as the Muling Formation floraof easter Heilongjiang Province, the Yingcheng Formation flora of central Jilin—NorthernLiaoning Province, the Haizhou Formation flora of western Liaoning Province, andthe flora of the English Wealden.So the age of this florule is considered to be ofEarly Cretaceous, and most likely late Neocomian.
Land & Resources
Nieerku Formation
Fossil plants