辽宁金伯利岩地质—地球化学研究结果表明,辽宁金伯利岩主元素丰度较世界金伯利岩的平均成分,显示富Ca、Al和贫K、Na、Mg、Si,碱度偏低;与南非、苏联和我国山东含金刚石金伯利岩相比,Fe 质偏高。辽宁金伯利岩含矿程度由富到贫,有 Fe、Mg 组分增高,Ca 质降低,微量元素多趋富集的总体变化趋势。辽南金伯利岩较辽北金伯利岩具有碱性程度相对偏高,V、Li、Rb、Nb、La、Sn、Mo、Cu、Pb、Zn、Ag、Ba、Cd、B、S、F 等元素相对富集,Co、Ni、Cr、Th、Bi、Au、As、Sb、Hg、Sr 等元素相对贫化的特点。二者的元素组合和相关特征有明显差别。辽南金伯利岩 Na、Ca、Mn 3元素的相关组合特征是富、贫(中)金刚石金伯利岩的一个地球化学标志。
The result of study on geology-geochemical characteristics of kimberlite fromLiaoning shows that it is richer in Ca,Al;poorer in K,Na,Mg,Si and the alkalinityis a little lower than one from all the world.It contains more Fe than cne fromSourth Africa,Soviet Union and Shandong province of our country.The componentof Fe,Mg increases,Ca drops and trace elements concentrates gradually with thedegree of ore-bearing from rich to poor.Kimberlite of sourthern Liaoning is comparedwith one of northern Liaoning,it has following character:the alkalinity is a littlehigher;V,Li,Rb,Na,La,Sn,Mo,Cu,Pb,Zn,Ag,Ba,Cd,B,S,F are moreenriched;Co,Ni,Cr,Th,Bi,Au,As,Sb,Hg,Sr are poorer reletively;theelement association and correlative features are obvious different between them.Thecharacter of correlation association of Na,Ca,Mn in Kimberlite from sourthernLiaoning is a geochemical sign of diamond-rich or poor(middle)kimberlite.
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