Cytological and biochemical analysis in the F_1 progenies of alloplasmic wh-eat which derived from intergenetic Hordeun--Triticum hybrid were reported.The chromosome number in the F_1 plants of alloplasmic wheat varied from2n= 41 to 2n= 43. The frequency of euploid plants (2n = 42) was 93.95%. Meiotieconfiguration at metaplasm I showed n= 21Ⅱ and n= 20Ⅱ + 2Ⅰ. Those indicatedthatthe alloplasmic wheat are cytologically Stable. Biochemical analysis viaFraction 1 Protein isoelectrofocusing has been carried out for studing of thegenetic correlation of barley and wheat hybrid. Experimental results showed thatthe cytoplasmic inheritance of alloplasmic wheat mainly derived from thematernal barley parent. The phenotypic characteristics of (barley) wheat hybridwere completely fertile, early maturity and large kernels. Therefore, thealloplasmic (barley, cytoplasm) wheat might have a potential use in wheatimprovement.
Barley and Cereal Sciences