Using 30 dairy heifers at the ages of 6, 9 and 12 months, the authors designed a comparative study to verify the diet formula selected by the electronic computer for dairy heifers. Result showed thai the daily gain of the test groups increased 0.195,0.193 and 0.274 kilograms respectively more than the control groups, the feedstuff costs for one-kilogram gain decreased 0.353, 0.444 and 0.734 yuan respectively. When the control grcups reaching the same average body weights as the test groups, the total feedstuff costs would be 21.80%, 28.29% and 35.53% respectively higher than those of the test groups. Because the diet formula tested cart accelerate the growth, the test groups can mate and produce milk 178 days earlier than the control groups,
Journal of Gansu Agricultural University