自1982年起,我们采用水平肌的斜位后徙兼斜位截短术治疗16例A-V 型斜视,现介绍如下。1.病例资料:男7例,女9例;年龄12~40岁;右眼7例,左眼9例。这16例中,原位斜视度:内斜15°~45°,外斜10°~30°,A-V 斜视度(见表):A 型内斜1例12°,V 型内斜者8例,其斜视度9°~15°,
16 patients with strabismus A-V about 9°to 20°were operated byusing technique of oblique recession and resection in uniocular horizontal musclus.The operative manipulation is on the basis on the conv-entional technique to correct the horizontal strabismus.It is an imp-ortant that an amount added to either superior or inferior side inrecessional and resect musclus reside the hompleural direction variedwith phase A-V.The satisfactory effect of these patients have beenobtained,except 3 cases presented strabismus A-V in 20 degrees.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology