有关用油脂的脂肪酸组成推算其甘三酯组份的假说很多,但用之比较有效的仅有两种、即Vander Wal的2—随机1.3—随机假说与Tsuda的1随机2随机3随机假说,前者以甘三酯2位脂肪酸分布为基础,而后者是以甘三酯“立体专一分析”数据为基础,因此后者更比较符合天然油脂的实际。本文综合介绍了有关甘三酯“立体专一分析”的函义、反应机制、操作程序以及对研究甘三酯组份的重要性。
Numerous hypotheses are available in deducing the composition
of triglycerides by the composition of fatty acids.Among them, only two, i.e., 1, 3-raodom, 2-random hypothesis by vander Wal and
1-random, 2-random, 3-random hypothesis by Tsuda are more accurate.The prediction from the data of stereospecific analysis by the latter is much more close to the realities of natural oils and fat's than thatby the former based upon the distributinn of fatty acids atta ched at thesn-2-position only.
The scope, the mechanirm and the procedure of triglyceride stero-especific analysis, as well as its importance to the research of compo-sitio n of tiglycerids, are discussed here.
Grain Processing