A mixed vuriational formulation for large deformation analysis of plates is introduced. In this formulation the equilibrium ami compatibility equations are satisfied identically by means of stress functions and displacement components, respectively, and the constitu,lye equations are satisfied in a least square sense. An example is solved and the results are compared with those available in the literature.Further, the functional is particularized for buckling analysis of plates and a simple example is solved to illustrate the theory.
A mixed vuriational formulation for large deformation analysis of plates is introduced. In this formulation the equilibrium ami compatibility equations are satisfied identically by means of stress functions and displacement components, respectively, and the constitu,lye equations are satisfied in a least square sense. An example is solved and the results are compared with those available in the literature.Further, the functional is particularized for buckling analysis of plates and a simple example is solved to illustrate the theory.