The work presented in this paper is a part of the TLP project undertaken in CSSRC(Chins Ship Scientific Research Center). Model tests were performed in seakeeping basin at CSSRC. Wave envelopes are calculated from time records of the irregular waves using Hilbert transform.Time histories of surge motions of the model were recorded in long-crested irregular head seas.The low-frequency response was separated from the time history using a low pass filter.The quadratic transfer functions were obtained from ratio of the cross-spectrum(between the low-frequency surge response and the square of the wave envelope)and the auto-spectrum of the square of the wave envelope.
The work presented in this paper is a part of the TLP project undertaken in CSSRC(Chins Ship Scientific Research Center). Model tests were performed in seakeeping basin at CSSRC. Wave envelopes are calculated from time records of the irregular waves using Hilbert transform.Time histories of surge motions of the model were recorded in long-crested irregular head seas.The low-frequency response was separated from the time history using a low pass filter.The quadratic transfer functions were obtained from ratio of the cross-spectrum(between the low-frequency surge response and the square of the wave envelope)and the auto-spectrum of the square of the wave envelope.