In this paper a new recursive method for ARMA model estimation is given. Same as in [1], theorder's estimator is strongly consistent, and the parameter's estimators defer to CLT and LILunder a natural condition. Compared with the previous metheds suggested by Hannan & Kavalieris(1984), Wang Shouren & Chen Zhaoguo (1985) and Franke (1985), this methed has some advantages:the amount of calculat on work is smaller, the minimum-phase property of coeffcient estimators canbe guaranteed,the BAN estimators for MA or AR model can be obtained directly,and the simulationshows that this method is more accurate in estimating the order and parameters.
In this paper a new recursive method for ARMA model estimation is given. Same as in [1], theorder's estimator is strongly consistent, and the parameter's estimators defer to CLT and LILunder a natural condition. Compared with the previous metheds suggested by Hannan & Kavalieris(1984), Wang Shouren & Chen Zhaoguo (1985) and Franke (1985), this methed has some advantages:the amount of calculat on work is smaller, the minimum-phase property of coeffcient estimators canbe guaranteed,the BAN estimators for MA or AR model can be obtained directly,and the simulationshows that this method is more accurate in estimating the order and parameters.