CBN (Cubic Boron Nitride) is a highly efficient abrasive and has unique properties (highhardness, high thermal stability and high chemical inertia). As early as 1969 CBN Wheels had al-ready been made and showed excellent performance for grainding high speed steels and othermaterials hard to be ground. So far, however, CBN Wheels are still not popularly utilized in theindustry, the writer considers the main reason being the inadequate study for practical applica-tions and especially the suitable dressing technique. The dressing of resinoid CBN Wheels discussed in the paper, is different from that ofconventional ones. It has to be divided into two operations, truing and sharpening, each of whichhas its specific and independent functions. A simple dressing method with a lot of informationsuitable for production is studied; finally, the grain height protruding from the bond is taken asan index for evaluating the dressing results, and the effect of grain height on the grinding per-formance is discussed. By selecting proper conditions according to the workpiece requirements, abetter technical and economical benifit can be obtained.
CBN (Cubic Boron Nitride) is a highly efficient abrasive and has unique properties (high hardness, high thermal stability and high chemical inertia). As early as 1969 CBN Wheels had al- ready been made and showed excellent performance for grainding high speed steels and other materials hard to be ground. So far, however, CBN Wheels are still not popularly utilized in the industry, the writer considers the main reason being the inadequate study for practical applica- tions and especially the suitable dressing technique. The dressing of resinoid CBN Wheels discussed in the paper, is different from that of conventional ones. It has to be divided into two operations, truing and sharpening, each of which has its specific and independent functions. A simple dressing method with a lot of information suitable for production is studied; finally, the grain height protruding from the bond is taken as an index for evaluating the dressing results, and the effect of grain height on the grinding per- formance is discussed. By selecting proper conditions according to the workpiece requirements, a better technical and economical benifit can be obtained.