本文报导1985~1987年从宁夏川区和山区12个县、市采集的小麦赤霉病病穗标样300多份,单孢分离到350个菌株。经鉴定属于9个种和变种。其中,禾谷镰刀菌(Fusarium gaminearum)为优势种,占63.77%,其次是黄色镰刀菌(F.culmorum),占15.59%。不同县、市的禾谷镰刀菌分离菌株对本区小麦和大麦不同品种和同一菌株对不同品种的致病性,以及同一品种对不同菌株的抗病性都有明显的差异。
During 1985-1987, more than 300 samples collected from scabb-ed haeds of wheat in 12 counties and cities in Ningxia and 350 cultures were obtained by monomacroconidial isolation. pure culture isolates were exam-in ed and studied for identification. Results of studies: 7 species including 2-vafieties of Fusarium were identified. Among these,F. graminearum was themost prevalent species in Ningxia and distributed videly,occupy63.77%. Seco ndly, F. culmorum occupy 15.56%. The diiference oi patHogenicity of iso-lates of F. graminearum from different counties or cities is significant. The diiference of pathogenicity of the isolate on diiferent cnltivar .and theifference of the cultivar tc different isolate is significant, too.
Journal of Agricultural Sciences