According to the data of three fatteniag experiments (N=144) with Bamei /Guan zhong Black and Berkshire as well as two and three-way crossbred pigs produced from matigu among the Banaei and Guanzhong Black breeds as the female pareat liaes and Duroc/Landr-ace and Berkshire as the male parent lines, the combining ability of crossing parents were estimated by BLUE.The results show that the value of BLUE of population mean of genetic effects for average dailv gain weight (ADG) , utilization of feeds (FU) during the fattening period, lean pecentage (L%) , fat percentage (F%) and backfat thi-ckness (BFT) of careass at the body weight of 90kg when the individ uals were slaughtered were 525.2121g, 4.1244, 54.1675%, 25.6107% and 2.6399cm resp.General combining ability was a aighly sigaificant (P< 0.01) source of variation ior L%, BFT and ADG and a significant (P <0.05) that ior F% and FU. Specific combininC ahiiity was a highly significant source of variation for L%, BFT and ADG as well, and a significant that for F%.
Journal of Agricultural Sciences