Weinreb first reported the results of transmission electron microscopy observation on ultrastructure of goldfish erythrocyte in 1963. In recent years, there are few reports about the ultrastructure of blood cells in fish For further understanding the fine structure of mature erythrocyte in teleosts, using goldfish (Carassius auratus) as the experimental material We made an observation of the morphology of its mature erythrocyte by means of scanning electron microscopy as well as a study on the ultrastructure by freeze etching technique. Since there are none of reports concerning the study on erythrocyte in fish by using freeze etching technique, the present note will provide here a practical method and the data of studying about ultrastructure of erythrocyte in fish.
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundatton of China and the RF84031 Grant of the Rockfeller Foundation, U. S. A.