The authors adopted the method of seminal con-solidation and turbidity excretion in a specific pre-scription with modifications according to symptomsfor the treatment of 133 cases of chronic prostatitis.The average therapeutic course was 95 days with acure rate of 69.1% and a total effective rate of 96.2%.This prescription relieved obstruction in the prostaticducts and promoted excretion of stagnant secretions,thus alleviating the clinical symptoms.Tests of serumand prostatic fluid,and prostatic fluid culture sug-gested that,besides direct bacteriostatic andbacteriocidal effects,the prescription also strengthen-ed or regulated local immunological functions.
The authors adopted the method of seminal con- solidation and turbidity excretion in a specific pre- scription with modifications according to symptoms for the treatment of 133 cases of chronic prostatitis. The average therapeutic course was 95 days with a cure rate of 69.1% and a total effective rate of 96.2%. This prescription relieved obstruction in the prostatic ducts and promoted excretion of stagnant secretions, thus alleviating the clinical symptoms.Tests of serum and prostatic fluid,and prostatic fluid culture sug- gested that,besides direct bacteriostatic and bacteriocidal effects,the prescription also strengthen- ed or regulated local immunological functions.