Jinqingding Au-deposit is one of the large - sized deposits in Jiaodongg area yet found in resent years. It is a crustal-sourced-anatectic granite-related mesothermal quartz vein Au - deposit (270-215℃), occuring in NNE-NE fracture zone developed in Rushan biotite - monzogranitte of the early Cretaceous age (134.4 ± 3.81my).Based on the rdsults of geology, altered rock types, altered mineralogy, petrochemistry, geochemistry of trace elements inclding REE and O, H isotopes, physicochemistry of fluid inclusion are determined the major wallrock alterations zoning and the maior metallogenic stages and the temporal evolution and spatial distribution of the alteration zones i. e. fresh granite - potasium granite - sericite - potasium granite - quartz - sericite rock - pyrite - sericite rock - gold vein. And the structure environment, time interval in which the alteredd rocks were formed are elucited. Further more, are put forward the marks of petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry to discreminate altere rock zones and estalished the formational model for alteration (i. e. identity of structural environment - hydrrothermal fluid - physicochemistry condition - replacement) and located 4 targers for future Au-exploration in Rushan area.
Contributions to Geology and Mineral Resources Research