There are two type of chromite deposits (or mineraliation) in ophiolites of the western Zhungeer: one is the metallurgical type chromite deposit which is examplified by Tangbale and Saleinuohai, the other is refractory type chromite deposit which is examplified by Saertuohai, Jingyu and Hongguleleng, The chrome spinel (Cr-sp) of ore-forming and accessory mineral in the metallurgical type chromite deposit is high Cr and low Al and in the refractory type chromite deposit is high Al and low Cr. The compositions of accessory Cr-sp exhibit a evolution trend of Cr-increase and Al-decrease from lherzolite to dunite in the two type's chromite deposits.The podiform chromite deposites are residues of the higher degree partial melting of the primary pyrolite. The degree of the melting in metallurgical type is higher than the refractoty type chromite deposit. The collection and dispersion of the chromite podiform bodies depend on the realization of plastic shear in the upper mantle.
Contributions to Geology and Mineral Resources Research