断层错动矿体产生的断层效应导致水平投影图上的矿体“重叠”或“拉开”,如不考虑此效应,进而影响储量计算的准确性。所以必须确定矿体与断层交线的水平投影位置,即“重叠”或“拉开” 的区域。矿体与断层相交的形式多样,但真正的关系类型只有两种,即相向锐角相交式和相向钝角相交式。对它们进行几何图解和数字推导得出的两个公式,可以用来计算矿体与断层交线的水平投影位置,对储量计算起帮助作用。
The fault effect produced by moving ore bodies by fault results in 'overlapping' or 'opening' of the ore bodies on the horizontal projection map. The accuracy of the reserve calculation should be affected without consideration to the effect.Therefore,the horizontal projection location of the crossline between ore body and fault, that is the area of 'overlapping' or 'opening' must be decided.The cross form between ore body and fault is changable, but the real relation forms are just two types, those are same direction cross form with acute angle and same direction cross form with obtuse angle. Two formulas have been obtained by deducing the geometric figures and numbers, which can be used to calculate the horizontal projection location of the crossline between ore body and fault. It is helpful for the reserve calculation.
Mineral Resources and Geology