作者对北京十三陵地区4条推覆断裂的构造岩进行了研究。其显微构造的分析研究可对宏观认识起到验证和补充作用。 在宏观方面,通过用近年最新定义的磨砾岩砾径比和长轴倾侧角投影,判断了这4条推覆断裂的力学性质。 在微观方面,除对构造岩的镜下微观特征进行定性描述并据以研究断裂活动期次等问题外,还利用测量石英重结晶晶粒度的方法估算了断裂古应力的大小,这是对构造岩以及区域断裂进行定量研究的尝试。
The teclonites within the four thrusts in Ming Tomb area are studied by. combining field observation with microstructural analysis, which may complete the field observation and supply them with key evidences. Based on the newest definition of tho rilio A/C of fault pebble and of the pitch of axial A, we can judge the mechanical nature of the four nappes on microscale, Besides, in the light of qualitative description of microstructural character of tectonite under the microscope and the research on the times of fault activity etc, we estimate the amount qf fault paleostress by measuring the size of recrystallised grains under the microscope. This paper is an attempt for giving a quantitative study on tectonite and regional fault.