The superiority of electrically calcined anthracite (ECA) over gas caclined anthracite (GCA) for use in the production of carbon blocks is now definitively confirmed by the actual performances obtained in potlife in aluminium plants and campaign life of blast furnace. The electrical calciner has been used many years for this electrical calcination. However, high energy consumption and risk of calcination heterogeneity remained inherent weaknesses of the process. We have developed a new technology which performs the anthracite treatment at high temperature with a noteworthy improvement in temperature homogeneity. This new process, based on a perfect mastering of the gassolid exchanges and the volatile matter recycling technology, has also contributed to the achievement of attractive cost savings, eg. :a) the electric consumption is reduced by 50% from 1100kwh, b) the recovery of volatile matter results in an economy of 80kg of heavy oil per ton of calcined anthracite. Actual results in quality, and production performances, are presented along with a description of the furnace technology.
Carbon Techniques