There are 10 brine lakes surrounding the Qarhan Salt Playa, each maintaining its own life on the fresh water supply of inland rivers. Because of neotectonic movements or blocking by river sediments and the influence of the rotation of the earth, the rivers often change their courses, leading to the migration of brine lakes. For example, the formation and vanishing of the ancient Dadong Lake, the formation of the new Daxi Lake and the decrease of the volume of water in Dabsan Lake were the results of the migration of the lakes due to the diversion of the rivers.The migration of lakes accompanied by the diversion of river courses is favourable for the enrichment of potassium. There are two different mechanisms for the concentration of potassium: (1) the dissolution of playa and redeposition of the salt minerals, which gathered potassium from the completely dissolved playa: (2) selective dissolution of carnallite and other forms of potassium from playa around brine lakes and then concentration of the potassium.
Acta Geoscientica Sinica