10 F_1 hybrids and their 16 parents of watermelon [Citrullus lanatus(Thanb.)Mansf.] were used for isozyme analysis of peroxidase(POD)and esterase(EST) of the dry seeds, gerrninating seeds, cotyledons and roots at cotyledon stage. The results obtained indicated that zymograms of POD and EST varied at different stages and different parts of the plant. Isozyme variation between hybrids and their parents was found at seed germination stage and cotyledon stage of POD, as well as cotyledon stage of EST. Following cases were observed in our study: F_1 hybrids had the same zymogram as their two parents, or maternarl parents, or paternal parents, or had 'hybrid enzyme' or to be lack of some zymographic bands of their parents. High heterosis was generally found in the hybrids with same isozyme zymograms of POD as their paternal parents, and EST as their maternal parents.
Journal of Fruit Science