本调查是1985年全国21个省(区)神经疾病流行病学调查的一部分。总样本人群246812人。颅内肿瘤的患病率、发病率及死亡率分别为6.9/10万,2.8/10万及4.1/10万。患病率、发病率及死亡率的国际调整率(按美国1960年人口调整率)分别为7.8,3.5及4.8/10万。 本研究结果,患病率明显低于中国城市人群。在农村中浙江省温州地区的患病率最高。
A door-to-door survey was carried out in 21 rural and minority areas of the PRC, among a sample population of 246 812 individuals, from January through May 1985. The result of this survey showed that the prevalence ratio of brain tumor was 6.9 per 100 000 population, Incidence rate 2.8 per 100,000 per year. mortality rate 4.1 per 100,000 per year and age-adjusted (U.S. 1960 population) rate of prevalence, incidence and mortality were 7.8, 3.5 and 4.8 ,per 100 000 respectively.The prevelence ratio of this study was lower than that of the urban population in China. Wenzhou, Zhejiang province was the isolated site with the highest prevalent patients.
Chinese Journal of Neurosurgery