From the mineral facies change angle,we can to study of frequency of the presence of al- kali-feldspar and their features under compresso-shear stress in terms of facies change aiming at tracing the character,intensity and mechanism of the applied stress,will be helpful to the in- vestigation of the dynamic formation of rocks and minerals. The author found that the alkali-feldspars from the fault zone of the granite terrain had undergone notable facies change.The successive presence of orthoclase,microcline and perthite in the compresso-shear zone is well correlated to the zonal distribution of increasing dynamic force. There is a regular change in crystal texture and physical property of the alkali-feldspars. This can serve as an indicator of their tectonic origin,useful for an estimation of the tectono- chemical conditions of their formation. The manner of application of dynamic force its character and intensity is mainly responsi- ble for the facies change of alkali-feldspars by exsolution,replacement and sliding.Generally, microclines will be predominant in the dynamically weak zone and perthites in the strong zone.
Journal of Geomechanics