Ground-water is a vital natural resources used for a variety of purposes in the U. S., including industrial, agricultural and iomestic needs. The ground-water protection strategies and ground-water classification programs are developed to control the pollution. Waste treatment and disposal facilities are under control to prevent the contamination of ground-water. Starting form 1984, EPA has requested the states to expand and improve groundwater reporting. The instructions EPA sent to the states for reporting specified minimum ground-water criteria. These instructions directed states to cite their major sources of contamination and rank the top four sources, with the top-ranked source identified as the primary source of concern. This article, based on the data from the states, introduces the groundwater use in the U. S., major contaminants and sources of contamination, ongoing state programs for ground-water protection and federal programs designed to assist the states in developing their ground-water protection programs. These programs illustrate ground-water protection strategies being developed and implemented by the states.
World Environment