One of the most challenging tasks facing environmental scientists is to determine the likely consequences of an external change for complex natural ecosystems on the basis of observations of the impact on individual orga- nisms or processes.Assessing the potential impacts of enhanced solar UV-B radiation on the marine environment presents such a challenge.The potential UV-B stress is broad-scale;the response of marine ecosystems involves many spatial and temporal scales,and also involves subtle changes that may be difficult to detect.A particularly acute concern exists,however,for lasting changes-changes made possible because of long residence times for many oceanic processes,as well as the lack of mitigating measures given the spatial extent of both stress and effects.Thus,acknowledging the speculative nature of extrapolations,the potential problems are of a quality requ ring significant a priori examination.In this paper,I suggest several types of ecological changes of concern.The examples-includingpossibleeffects on food webs,fisheries,and biogeochemical cycles-are chosen to illustrate the scope and urgency of the problem.
World Environment