In January——February 1984 and May 1985,the fregueney distribution of reddeeras(cervus elaphns)pellet groups was studied in DongfanghongForestry Farm,Dailing Region,Hoilongjiang Province.the analysis of data resul- ting from field observations provided following conclusions; 1.It was estimated that in an investigating area of 1577 hectares,at least 720 guadrates of systemtic sampling wore need in order to satisfy the demand. 2.The distribution of red deer s'pelletgroups is a aggregative distribu- tion(■>1). 3.The frequency distribution of red deer s'pellet groups was neither the Neyman Type A,nor the poissonbinomial distribution.When the size of investigative guadrat was larger than 64m^2,the results of analysis sho- wed that the freguecy distribution of red deer's pellet groups fitted the negative-binomial distribution. 4.Through the observation of captive red deers,it was estimated that the number of feces excretion per day is 8.5±0.6 groups. 5.It was estimated by the method of the frequency distribution of red Peer's pellt groups that there were sixty-seven to seventy-nine red deer's always moving in this investigated area(1577 hectares).