The changes of the ultrastructure in cultured myocytes were obs erved with transmission electron microscopy from neonatal rats under different conditions. The results showed that most of the myocardiac cells of 6-7 day culture contained disorganized myofilaments or myofibrils, the great number of mitochondria, and a few sarcoplasmic reticula and the transverse tubules. The intercalated disks were dis tinctly seen. Most of the Myocardiac cells in calcium-free medium followed by recovery in calcium for 1 hour exhibited the characteristic injures including dilated sarcoplasmic reticulum and transveres tubules, and swollen mitochondrias with ther crestae disappearrence, and overcontraction sarcomers, and their ruffled nuclar envelope. However, most of them in calcium-free medium followed by recovery in calcium and given Shen-Mai injection at the same time for 1 hour didn't display Prominent alteration in their ultrastructures. The results suggest this drug can inhibit the occurrence of calcium-paradox injury of the cultured myocardiac cells.
Journal of Luzhou Medical College