采用 ELISA 法对813例门诊首诊患者进行了非选择性的 HBV 五项标志检测,总检出率为41.57%。对 HBV 五项标志在血清中出现的常见阳性模式进行了粗略分析。HBV 感染以隐性感染居多,HBsAg 携带者虽可无任何主观的肝病症状,但肝脏的潜移性损害多有存在,且部分病例具有传染性。因此,建议将 HBV 五项标志的检测作为一般性医院门诊的常规项目进行,以利对 HBV 感染的个体能予及早发现,合理管理及恰当治疗。
The paper examined non-selectively the five HBV marks by ELISA on 813 out-
patients.The total positive ratio accounted for 41.57 percent.The paper also anal-
ysed the conventional positive mode of the five marks in the serum.The most inf-
ections of HBV was recessive.Carriers with HBsAg had no symptoms of hepatalg-
ia subjectively,but the latent lesions existed,and some of them were infectious.
Therefore,authors suggested that the examination of the five marks should become
a routine test in common out-patient department so that infected individuals cau-
ld be found in time,managed properly and treated suitably.
Journal of North Sichuan Medical College