The Upper Sinian Series in Liantuo area, Yichang develops in shallow continental shelf on the western side of carbonatite platform of central Hubei within the central part of Yangzi paraplatform. The mid-Doushantuo age is frequent area of storm events and active center. The storm actions are intense and the sediments of storm current develops and pre serves better, belonging to the phosphorus-bearing calc-storm rocks. The phosphorous subs-tance accumulates in massive graded member A of the lower storm layer system. Par-ticularly pebble-debris. layer obstructed at the bottom of the graded member contains much pebble debris of phosphorites and collophane arenites, the content of which is abundant and forms pebble-debris phosphorites filled with clay and dolomite. It is a storm current car-rying a great number of sediments by storm wave rushing upon the phosphorus-accumula-ted shallow beach on the platform margin: toward the sea the storm current migrates and accumulates into the adjacent shallow continental shelf area under the action of gravity sorting.
Storm event
Sedimentary environment
Storm rocks
Doushantuo age
Sedimentary characteristics