The Luoyang Institute of Refracto-ries Research(LIRR) under the Ministry ofMetallurgical Industry was founded in1964 and is a center for research and de-velopment on refractories science and te-chnology in People’ s Republic of China. Itis located in Luoyang on the southernbank of the Yellow River in Henan Provin-ce in Central China. The institute has atotal staff of about 700 members, includ-ing 350 scientific and technical person-nel with 57 senior engineers. The founderand first director of the institute wasProfessor ZHONG Xiangchong (H. S. Chong)who had worked at the United Steel Co.,Research and Development Department inSheffield and received his Ph. D. degree atLeeds University, England in 1949. He hand-ed over his directorship at the end of1984 and is now adviser and chief scien-