Experiments were performed on 25 rats. Putative serotonergic antagonist, Cyproheptadine(Cyp), was applied microiontophoretically on the nucleus parafascicularis of the thalamus (Pf) andthe effect of Cyp on Pf nociceptive neuronal discharge was observed. The result suggested that Cypcan increase the spontaneous and evoked discharge rates of Pf nociceptive neuron, and that Cypmay antagonize the inhibitory effect of endogenous serotonin on the spontaneous and evokeddischarges of Pf nociceptive neurons.
Experiments were performed on 25 rats. Putative serotonergic antagonist, Cyproheptadine (Cyp), was applied microiontophoretically on the nucleus parafascicularis of the thalamus (Pf) and the effect of Cyp on Pf nociceptive neuronal discharge was observed. The result suggested that Cyp can increase the spontaneous and evoked discharge rates of Pf nociceptive neuron, and that Cyp may antagonize the inhibitory effect of endogenous serotonin on the spontaneous and evoked discharges of Pf nociceptive neurons.