Provinces responsible forgold production Seven provinces and oneautonomous region will beresponsible for most ofChina’s gold productionduring the remaining threeyears of the present Five-Year Plan period (1986-1990). The country plans todouble the 1985 gold out-put by the end of the pe-riod. In Shandong, Henan, Hei-longjiang, Hebei, Jilin,Liaoning, Shaanxi provin-ces and Inner Mongolia Au-tonomous Region, the pro-duction capacity to be de-veloped between 1988 and1900 will account for 89.5per cent of the country’ stotal new gold productioncapacity. And by 1900, the goldoutput of the eight areaswill make up 83.4 per centof the country’ s totaloutput of mined gold, ac-cording to an official ofthe China National Gold