The intensification of a low-level jet off the Somali coast, as observed through GOES (I-O) satellite during Indian summer monsoon 1979 has been studied. Excitation of Low-level cross-equatorial flow in the western Indian ocean results from an interaction between extratropical perturbations moving eastward across the South African-Malgassy region of the Southern Hemisphere. This excitation occurs 2-3 days after the first appearance of a northward propagation cold front across the South African-Malgassy region. Inten-sification of cross-equatorial flow is followed by an increase in rainfall activity along the west coast of India after 3-4 days. The study reveals that this association can be used to forecast an increase in rainfall activity along the west coast of India 5-7 days in advance.
The intensification of a low-level jet off the Somali coast, as observed through GOES (I-O) satellite during Indian summer monsoon 1979 has been studied. Excitation of Low-level cross-equatorial flow in the western Indian ocean results from an interaction between extratropical perturbations moving eastward across the South African-Malgassy region of the Southern Hemisphere. This excitation occurs 2-3 days after the first appearance of a northward propagation cold front across the South African-Malgassy region. Inten-sification of cross-equatorial flow is followed by an increase in rainfall activity along the west coast of India after 3-4 days. The study reveals that this association can be used to forecast an increase in rainfall activity along the west coast of India 5-7 days in advance.