Conchostracans, with a laterally compressed body enclosed between two symmetric valves, live swimming in fresh or brackish water. The carapace valve has a number of growth bands with various sculptures. The general trend of sculptural evolution is from smooth to punctate-minute polygon-medium reticulation-large reticulation, while these punctate, polygonal and various reticulate patterns may separately develop into various radial ridges. The development of sculpture can be well explained by mechanical principle. Functional morphology of carapace is discussed in the light of mechanics in this paper.
Conchostracans, with a laterally compressed body enclosed between two symmetric valves, live swimming in fresh or brackish water. The carapace valve has a number of growth bands with various sculptures. The general trend of sculptural evolution is from smooth to punctate-minute polygon-medium reticulation-large reticulation, while these punctate, polygonal and various reticulate patterns may separately develop into various radial ridges. The development of sculpture can be well explained by mechanical principle. Functional morphology of carapace is discussed in the light of mechanics in this paper.